Wireless Controller


Handheld Mode

Directional buttons/
Left stick
Move Character
Y Button
Weak Attack(A Button)
X Button
Mid Attack(B Button)
A Button
Strong Attack(C Button)
B Button
Drive Attack(D Button)
R Button
Taunt(AP Button)
ZR Button
SP(SP Button)
L Button
FN1 Button
ZL Button
FN2 Button
+ Button
Display Pause Menu

* Return to Start Position (Challenge/Training Mode only)

Horizontal Grip Joy-Con™ (L)

L Stick
Move Character
Left Button
Weak Attack(A Button)
Up Button
Mid Attack(B Button)
Right Button
Strong Attack(C Button)
Down Button
Drive Attack(D Button)
SR Button
SP(SP Button)
- Button
Display Pause Menu

* Return to Start Position (Challenge/Training Mode only)

Horizontal Grip Joy-Con™ (R)

R stick
Move Character
B Button
Weak Attack(A Button)
Y Button
Mid Attack(B Button)
X Button
Strong Attack(C Button)
A Button
Drive Attack(D Button)
SR Button
SP(SP Button)
+ Button
Display Pause Menu

* Return to Start Position (Challenge/Training Mode only)

*These button controls are applicable during handheld mode.

*The game screenshots displayed are from a game still in development, and subject to change.