


Graviton Capacitor
Deploys a device that will pull the opponent closer to her.

Over Drive

Graviton Rage
Enhances the effects of the Graviton. As well, the rate at which the gauge is consumed and replenished is also increased.


Armament No.11 "Full Metal Heavy Weapon v2.05"
During OD A+B+C+D

Technical type


Activate ↓↘→+ D with Graviton deployed(midair also / delayable)
Retrieve Graviton ↓↙←+D with Graviton deployed(midair also)
Armament No.2 "Broken Bunker Assault v2.21" ↓↘→+A(delayable)
Armament No.9 "Aerial Powerdrive: Solid Wheel v3.37" ↓↘→+B(midair also)
Armament No.3 "Absolute Zero v4.32" ↓↘→+C
Armament No.4 (Alpha) "Flame Cage v1.43" ↓↙←+A or B or C(midair also)
Armament No.5 "Banishing Rays v3.10" ↓↓+A or B
Armament No.6 "Planar Haze v1.24" ↓↓+C

Distortion Drive

Armament No.4 (Beta) "Pyro: Flaming Belobog v2.73 ↓↙←↓↙←+A or B or C(midair also)
Armament No.7 "Jamming Dark v1.65" →↘↓↙←→+D
Armament No.8 "Crime of Greed v1.00" * Automatic with 50%+ Heat
Armament No.00 "Dreadnought Destroyer" →←→←↙↓↘→+C(midair also / delayable)
Armament No.01 "Super Dreadnought Exterminator" →←→←↙↓↘→+C(midair / delayable)

Astral Heat

Armament No.99 the "Match Destroyer: Ultimate Impact" Turn Turn+D

Stylish type


Armament No.2 "Broken Bunker Assault v2.21" →+SP
Armament No.9 "Aerial Powerdrive: Solid Wheel v3.37" SP
Armament No.3 "Absolute Zero v4.32" ↓+SP
Armament No.4 (Alpha) "Flame Cage v1.43" → or ↓+SP in midair

Distortion Drive

Armament No.4 (Beta) "Pyro: Flaming Belobog v2.73" ←+SP

* The command table of each character can also be confirmed from the pause menu → command list.

*These button controls are applicable during handheld mode.